Posts tagged Clothing

Clothes made of Cigarette Butts!!

Sounds gross right?  I always see people throwing their butts on the ground, and thus I always listen to people complaining about the litter that those cigarettes are causing.  A clothing designer named Alexandra Guerrero decided to find a solution to cleaning up those cigarette butts instead of just complaining about them.  She taught herself a way to mix the butts into natural wool, and create a beautiful thread to make clothes out of.  I am really happy that she came up with a creative solution about cigarette  butts, maybe more people will be inspired by this story and create their own way of cleaning up the litter that cigarettes cause.  Or any other type of liter for that matter.  Here is the link to the article.



-Erica Nickerson

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Recycling Flip Flops

Lately, I have been thinking more about what kinds of everyday items are recyclable and how they can be recycled. I think that when a lot of people think of recycling they think of the basics;  paper, plastic, glass, etc. But there are a lot more common everyday objects that are recyclable. I read an interesting article about recycling flip flops. Most flip flops are made out of polyurethane, which can’t usually just be thrown in the recycling bin. There are alternative ways discarded flip flops can be used, instead of just letting them hang around the enviornment. In this article there are some examples of how you can use a discarded flip flop. Flip flops can be used as packing material, a door stop, or even made into a rug. Flip flops are just one example of how to be creative and recycle things you might not normally think to recycle!

Grace W

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Article of clothing made out of recycled plastic bottles?

Companies in America are making articles of clothing out of our used plastic bottles.  The bottles go through a cleaning process, then from there they get chopped up into small pieces, and then are turned into polyester.  Patagonia is a sporting good company that uses the recycled polyester in their clothing.  The clothing that was mad eout of the polyester can also be recycled as well.  This is just one step of cutting down our plastic waste in the world.

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