Posts tagged Dinner

Sorry Strawberry’s aren’t a year around fruit

People are used to going to the grocery store, and purchasing strawberry’s in December and not thinking anything of it. Unfortunately fruits like this don’t grow well in Oregon during the winter months. In order for people to live more sustainable, we are going to need to realize that buying those mango’s in the winter month’s isn’t sustainable. It’s not sustainable due to the fact that it has to be shipped halfway across the world to get here. This shipping process produces tons of green house gases not to mention the chemicals they have to use to keep the fruit from rotting. We need to realize we can’t go through life eating these fruits when they’re not in season. In the earlier days of our history people would get their fruit in the winter months by canning, when it is in season. This way during the winter they can still enjoy their fruit. By doing this we could cut tons of green house gases from being produced. So next time you are at the store think twice about what you are purchasing.

Sam G.

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The Other, Other White Meat

Is cannibalism such a farfetched idea after all? In a world stricken with food shortages and other finite resources, such a proposition may find it’s way to a dinner table near you. What I’m not proposing is that everyone disband  and consume each other left and right, that, would be wrong. However, what if we were to consume those who have passed away through natural causes and the like?  Their bodies no longer of use to the original owner, human flesh harbors crucial nutrients key to survival; Nutritionally, cannibalism is sound. In addition to decreasing the food shortage, cannibalism also would decrease the amount of bodies filing up graveyards and crypts, increasing opportunity costs for land usage. If you’re interested, i discovered an interesting documentary on cannibalism. The short movie contains some interesting scientific discoveries pertaining to cannibalism that may surprise you.

What are your thoughts?

– Matthew K

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